Purdue Athletes Life Success Program (PALS)
Since 2012, the Purdue Boilermaker Half-Marathon & 5K has raised over $136,000 for the Purdue Athletes Life Success Program, better known as PALS. This free summer camp gives children in Tippecanoe County, aged 8-14, an experience with lifetime benefits.
These children come from families with incomes at or below federal poverty guidelines. PALS is structured around four character pillars: respect, responsibility, caring, and courage. The curriculum includes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), computer programming, financial literacy, dance, art, videography, photography, judo, nutrition, swimming, career development, service learning, and select special events.
Our fundraising goal for the 2025 event is $20,000. Please consider making a personal donation HERE to help us real that target!
For more information please visit the PALS website.